Saturday, February 21, 2009

If you are a slut do you have an a-DICK-tion?

So my blogspot is in a state of semi-retirement (like working two days a week now instead of the old times), brought upon mainly by me not having internet connection**. Oh man I just read the title of this *punch self*

I’ve decided I want to have an addiction. Not because I want to harm myself but because I am now fully aware that I am addicted to addictions.

Explain with the reference use of two Cognitive studies sentences.

Something new comes out and I think, “Wow cool”. Then I stop doing everything else to focus on said “cool” thing.

Right now it’s season three of skins. I just finished episode two, and I think Effie is ummm bloody brilliant (trying to be English lol ). In a slutty, troubled, drug-addiction-adled, “teenager”-ey way.
I like how Fred is a little bitch about Cook having sex with Effie … oh yeah SPOILER ALERT ­­­beforehand.

In other uninteresting world events starting Monday I am officially a quitter/loser/noob/epic failure :) I’m dropping Chemistry HL to SL so I can put English up from SL to HL. I was really struggling in Chemistry, brought on mostly by lack of effort, but I actually enjoy most aspects of English. I was never really one to do what I wanted in my life (IB selections, etc I'm really easily persuaded :S ) I sorta just did what everyone else was doing (quite stupid, really) but I like English, and I don’t even need HL Chemistry for University so I guess I’m doing myself a favour that's good for me like the one your mum did for me last night OH YEAAHHHZZZ ... like sexual favour ... as in your mother and I were involved in a sexual way ... as in there was the possibilty of intercourse in her or just some foreplay ; )

... okay all she did was help edit my english essay, but still it was a really nice favour :(

Just wanted to finish by saying R Kellz is a total slag. She’s such a cockface-tittymouth-dickshit-loser-deviant-slut-whore-cunt-bitch. Her hands are colder than stethoscopes at the doctors, and they often cause me fripples. She thinks she’s so cool because all the boys want her in the lederhosen. Her icy cold heart pumps blue freezepack goo through her veins. Fuck cunt BITCH shitty boob face.


**I had internet but saying that it was the internet is more convenient than listing the actual reasons


  1. i loled numerous times throughout the duration of this blog.

    i want skins

    i must now stop procastinating and do my englihs essay

  2. LOL
    bloody brilliant sounds like a harry potter comment
    I wanted to comment the other two posts...
    but the super long rant comment under the "Sanda" one... really REALLY unnerved me.


    i <3 freddie.

  3. omfg T_T


    come back to HL chem and fail with me T^T

    im good at english too but i dont want to put in the effort.

    come back >=[

