Sunday, February 1, 2009

666 has competiton

If there was a competition for "most ominous" number then 666 would definitely have some strong competition. Surely it's been the champion at inspiring fear in the hearts of people from biblical times but things do change. Especially if previously aforementioned "competition" was the number 111. 

Let me explain. 
I have trouble sleeping, and I'm not whining because it is at least 113% my fault. I used to have games with friends where we would just see how long we could stay awake for (hah! some people think I'm mature) and now I can't get to bed very easily. Oh, and I kept staying up because I wanted panda eyes (yeah, it is as retarded as it sounds) because I thought they were cool and I never had them.

I went to bed at around midnight, kept my eyes shut and started counting the sheep only to find that I was not getting sleepier. I looked at my alarm, that gives my room a creepy blue lighting (imagine seedy nightclub with heaps of techno and flashing blue neon lights except that it's not flashing-it's constant) to see that it was 1:11. It's the devil's number I tell you. Whenever I wake up, or can't get to bed at night time, and look at my alarm there it is looking at me, taunting me.  111.

So besides that my weekend was pretty uneventful and I realise I am possibly the laziest person I know. I know have an unreasonable dislike of the #111 but luckily enough nothing in my everyday life will probably involve that number. 

^ ^


  1. tut tut.
    just don't nap tomorrow
    and you'll be able to sleeeeeeep like a baby and then your sleeping patterns will be back to normalities ^_^

  2. *pat pat*

    Just.... KO yourself and hopefully you'll land on your bed.
